Poultry and Hatchery Processing Plant Cleaning
Poultry & Hatchery Plant Cleaning
BioGiene are Poultry and Hatchery Plant cleaning specialists. With decades of experience and an international team, tap into our extensive workforce and buying power to improve your current cleaning solution.
Our knowledge base and experience in Poultry and Hatchery Plant cleaning makes BioGiene an ideal candidate to protect your brand and save you money.
,Your dedicated account manager has full working knowledge of the finer details of working within the poultry industry. The strict cleaning requirements and legislation unique to poultry are important to document and retain for future auditing. Utilising the encrypted and secure Biogiene Dashboard, we will be able to review water and chemical usage along with labour and other site-specific information.
Poultry and eggs present unique challenges as opposed to other food processing plants and require our teams to be specifically trained. Poultry and eggs processing involves a high chance of bacteria formation and to prevent disease and cross contamination a regular, professional team familiar with your business, the facility and quality of processing is integral for removing bacteria by thorough cleaning from surfaces with suitable disinfectant to promote processing and hatchery hygiene.
Visit our case studies section and learn how BioGiene’s clients are saving money, protecting their brand and improving their processes!

Integrated Management System
- BioGiene will work collaboratively with you to provide an Integrated Management System tailored specifically to your Poultry/
Eggs/Hatchery Factory cleaning requirements. - BioGiene IMS team & operational staff are recruited from the most experienced pool of industry professionals to ensure Work Instructions & Risk Assessments are delivered at the highest standard.
- This ensures that the sanitation and hygiene program delivered to site meets all your auditable and legislative requirements.
- BioGiene will liaise with your people to develop, measure and manage KPIs around food safety, chemicals, water, and other core metrics.

Cleaning Systems (OPCS & CIP)
BioGiene’s dedication to continuous improvement leads to opportunities for:
- Water reductions
- Chemical efficiency
- Labour efficiency
BioGiene utilises advanced methods and our network of sophisticated business partners and relationships to add further value to your factory cleaning.
Click here to learn more about our suppliers.

Proven Return on Investment
Our reputation and decades of experience speak for themselves.
With specialised equipment, proactive and transparent reporting and a unique recruiting and HR model, we believe BioGiene will be able to show a significant return on investment for your factory cleaning.
If you are interested in learning more, please book a consult with one of our team members today!
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Happy clients include;

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Although other processes may appear similar, a poultry and hatchery processing plant will differ from other food and other meat processing plants and require different approaches and chemicals when cleaning. For example, poultry processors may require a specific cleaning compound to target salmonella. Food contact surfaces need constant attention so as to avoid any possibility of cross contamination between beef and pork, poultry and seafood, raw meat or cooked, processed or liquid. Cleaning methods will vary depending on temperature as seafood will require different storage temperatures than other meats. Foods might be frozen or ready to eat. Whatever the case, food safety is paramount and product quality always the highest and fit for human consumption. You also have to determine shelf life, manufacturer’s instructions and comply with food safety standards. And it all has to fit together perfectly. Having the expertise to identify these differences and situations, we ultimately make your life so much easier by getting the cleaning process right, all the time, providing services that create solutions so you can run your business at capacity.
There are many factors unique to poultry farming hatchery plants such as:
- Cross contamination and disease prevention
- Laying hens as well as dead birds; hatcher rooms and new birds
- Rodent control strategies
- Egg intubation and contact time
A vast array of chemicals is needed for poultry. Increasingly, using organic material and natural detergent with moderate alkalis is preferred but not always possible. Alkaline substances vary, and a washing solution directed from a hot water high pressure sprayer can contain various combinations of household ammonia, baking soda, washing soda, chlorine compounds, alkaline detergent, sodium bicarbonate, caustic soda, trisodium phosphate and sodium carbonate.
An essential component of a clean hatchery to prevent cross contamination is cleaning absolutely everything and be familiar with the hatchery design. Protective clothing is needed as many chemicals can cause skin problems, the strongest causing burns. No hatchery area can escape cleaning and disinfection. Light fixtures, air inlets, wall sills, window sills – especially window sills, ceiling trusses etc. all need to be included. Dust, dirt, micro organisms, egg shells and chick fluff find their way into every possible corner of the building.
We understand all the differences with each facility.
Factory Clean
Targeting Salmonella
Contact our emergency cleaning team by emailing [email protected].
Bacillus cereus is a spore forming bacterium that produces toxins that cause vomiting or diarrhoea. Symptoms are generally mild and short-lived (up to 24 hours). B. cereus is commonly found in the environment (e.g. soil) as well as a variety of foods. Spores are able to survive harsh environments including normal cooking temperatures.
Role in Food Processing
Salmonella is found in the intestinal tract of animals such as birds, reptiles, farm animals, humans and occasionally insects. As intestinal forms, they may also be found in (polluted) water.
Salmonella often spread through a population by contact between population and carriers. Carriers (humans and animals) shed salmonella through faeces, without showing any signs or symptoms of the disease.
Salmonella is often a contaminant in animal feeds.
Beef products were responsible for 9.7% of outbreaks of Salmonella food poisoning in a 15 year period in USA.
The four clinical types associated with Salmonella are;
Enteric fever
Carrier stage- may excrete bacteria for up to 1 year following remission

- pH: 4.0 – 8.9 Optimum 6.2 – 7.2
- Temperature: Minimum 5oC, Optimum Growth 20oC to 45oC
- Most strains contain

Found in intestinal tract of humans and other animals.
Also found in soils, water.

Screen staff to identify carriers. Check any staff with recent case of diarrhea.
Thoroughly clean and sanitise receiving area and transport crates / lugs.
Check crates for biofilm, cleanliness, sanitation and rotation.
Check hand washing – see S.Aureus.
Pay particular attention to slaughter areas, evisceration and offal areas.
Minimise cross contamination by enforcing colour coding, if applicable.
Acid Wash – This should be used in all cases of Pathogen or high bacterial counts.
It removes scale, which is a base for biofilms.
It will aid removal of biofilms.
The acidic environment will at least inhibit, if not halt the growth of bacteria.
If followed by standard alkaline wash, the resultant pH shock will again kill off most bacteria, and at least severely inhibit growth.
The alternative sanitizer (prescribed as part of acid wash), will at least inhibit, if not halt the growth of bacteria.
Monitor movement of staff and materials between slaughter and other departments.Monitor receiving area and transport crates / lugs.
Monitor crates and lugs with extra swabbing.
Review production facility swab results.
Modern Food Microbiology
Staph. Aureus – for hand washing guide.
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Although other processes may appear similar, a red meat processing plant will differ from other food and other meat processing plants and require different approaches and chemicals when cleaning. For example, poultry processors may require a specific cleaning compound to target salmonella. Food contact surfaces need constant attention so as to avoid any possibility of cross contamination between beef and pork, poultry and seafood, raw meat or cooked, processed or liquid. Cleaning methods will vary depending on temperature as seafood will require different storage temperatures than other meats. Foods might be frozen or ready to eat. Whatever the case, food safety is paramount and product quality always the highest and fit for human consumption. You also have to determine shelf life, manufacturer’s instructions and comply with food safety standards. And it all has to fit together perfectly. Having the expertise to identify these differences and situations, we ultimately make your life so much easier by getting the cleaning process right, all the time, providing services that create solutions so you can run your business at capacity.
There are many factors unique to food safety in a red meat products:
- Processed meat formulations
- Processing plant stipulations for meat products and meat processing
- Shelf life
With Covid-19 continuing to spread, now more than ever is the health of your staff, customers and consumers more important.

Now is the time to find out how BioGiene
can save you money and protect your brand.
Why choose BioGiene
BioGiene provides a specialised Food Processing facility cleaning and sanitation service, delivering our partners improved value, and brand security.
There are 8 great reasons to choose BioGiene as your cleaning professionals.
Core Business focus
Designated Manager
Fully Auditable
Site Specific
- Food Factory Cleaning is our core business focus. We are specialists and highly experienced in industries such as:




Ready to Eat
2. All our clients have a Designated Manager, which ensures ownership and accountability for quality outcomes.
Your Designated Manager is your one point of contact for anything cleaning-related – reporting, issues, questions, compliments, complaints.
3. Our systems are fully auditable, so we comply with all necessary regulations, and can provide documentation to support your own audit requirements, and requests for information.
4. We use Site Specific Integrated Management Systems (Quality & WHS), meaning we tailor our processes for our client needs, and gather everything into a formal document, which is auditable.
5. We are certified in ISO Systems (Quality 9001:2015 & Safety 45001:2018).
6. Our Ethical and transparent recruitment & onboarding processes improve staff outcomes. We have recently passed a SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) conducted by Sedex, confirming our high standards of labour, health and safety, environment and business ethics.
7. Our size allows us increased buying power and better access to required chemicals, cleaning tools and skilled labour. We also maintain direct access to the latest technology and modern equipment solutions.
8. Our robust processes, transparent staffing and documented procedures will give you confidence in your cleaning outcome on a consistent basis.
Food Factory Cleaning is our core business focus.
We are specialists and highly experienced in industries such as:


Small Goods

Fresh Produce

Ready to Eat
All our clients have a Designated Manager, which ensures ownership and accountability for quality outcomes.
Your Designated Manager is your one point of contact for anything cleaning-related – reporting, issues, questions, compliments, complaints.
Our systems are fully auditable, so we comply with all necessary regulations, and can provide documentation to support your own audit requirements, and requests for information.
We use Site Specific Integrated Management Systems (Quality & WHS), meaning we tailor our processes for our client needs, and gather everything into a formal document, which is auditable.
We are certified in ISO Systems (Quality 9001:2015 & Safety 45001:2018).
Our Ethical and transparent recruitment & onboarding processes improve staff outcomes. We have recently passed a SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) conducted by Sedex, confirming our high standards of labour, health and safety, environment and business ethics.
Our size allows us increased buying power and better access to required chemicals, cleaning tools and skilled labour. We also maintain direct access to the latest technology and modern equipment solutions.
Our robust processes, transparent staffing and documented procedures will give you confidence in your cleaning outcome on a consistent basis.