Case Study – Smallgoods Factory
Evidenced Reporting for your Return on Investment
Using our advanced BioGiene Dashboard, your dedicated account manager will be able to quickly isolate and identify any opportunities for improvement.
Our managers, coupled with our specialised cleaners and bulk purchasing, make a powerful solution for any food processing plant or factory.
Here are some recent case studies showing real world results. With advancing technology there has never been a better time to start a conversation around improving your outsourced cleaning solutions.

Smallgoods Client
Saving $3.9 M
per annum

Smallgoods Client
Saving $660 K
per annum

Red Meat
Saving $280 K
per annum
Smallgoods Client – Western Sydney, NSW.

The Opportunity
Equipment, worker efficiency and chemical usage.

The Solutions
Install fit-for-purpose equipment reducing water and chemical usage. Improvements to all staff operations.

Significant annual savings.
Previously managed internally, our client’s vision was to realise efficiencies for their site, by the introduction of specialist cleaning and equipment systems.
BioGiene completed a full and thorough audit of the facility, and identified several opportunities to increase efficiency.
One of the key issues at this site was poor and inconsistent water delivery to support cleaning operations. BioGiene designed and proposed a specialised cleaning system to work around this water issue.
Chemical Management

Through both process and technology, BioGiene significantly reduced the volume of chlorinated foam cleaning agent used per day, offering significant bottom line improvement for our client.
The reductions in chemical consumption were substantial, and demonstrate the value in partnering with a specialised supplier who both understands, and has the capacity to manage the delivery of innovative cleaning programs to the food industry.
The reduced consumption of the primary product during our initial contract was approximately 42%.
Factored on core product only, at estimated $1.60/L @ 474L/day
= $197K p.a savings.
Health, Safety and Labour Improvements

As part of our initial site audit, we identified that the daily cleaning labour contingent used over 920 work-hours per day.
Based on our experience, BioGiene developed and proposed a model to achieve labour deployment on the site that would be less than 575 cleaning hours per day, reducing stress on their staff.
The initial transition saw BioGiene “on-board” all existing staff, at cost, with a clear mandate to find the efficiencies required and achieve the proposed model. BioGiene achieved the model within the first 12 months, through proper management, modified staff deployment, and specialised cleaning training.
Client’s In-house model Vs BioGiene (approx. 345hr/day reduction)
= $3.4M p.a
Meet the BioGiene Person
Human Resources are integral to our effectiveness, so we take care of our people, and ensure they are well trained, and well cared for. This has reduced our staff turnover rate significantly, and our team enjoys a long working relationship with us.
Our unique investment in our HR is significant.
Learn a little more about the ‘BioGiene person’ to better understand how this can save you time and money.
Meet The BioGiene Person
Equipment Improvements
BioGiene are experts in cleaning food processing facilities. A key component of our expertise is understanding efficient deployment of resources.
This further translates to the design and deployment of specialised cleaning equipment to support the most efficient labour models for cleaning of food processing sites.
At commencement of the cleaning arrangement with our client, the site did not have a sufficient cleaning system in place. The resulting issues were impacting the cleaning labour, as well as the capacity for the site to prepare for production shifts. Cleaning operations were interrupted due to insufficient water availability through the night shift, when thawing tanks were being filled, coupled with low local supply pressure due to local government owned infrastructure.
BioGiene designed, financed, and installed a specialised Open Plant Cleaning System (OPCS) for the site which has remedied the supply issues, as well as improved the WHS, Chemical, and Labour consumption jointly.
Summary –Efficiency Improvements
BioGiene prides ourselves on delivering outstanding solutions for our clients, whilst delivering the industry’s best valued, fully supported and compliant Operational Hygiene program.

BioGiene deploys fully ISO Certified systems, ensuring your brand is protected at all times.
BioGiene’s partnership with this client delivered value in these major areas:
- Chemical consumption improvement – through process, and through technology
- Labour efficiencies– through industry experience, training, proper management, and modern technology
- Improvements in Workplace Health and Safety –Through Training, through implementation of ISO certified systems
- Access to technology – Design, financing, installation, and operation of specialised cleaning equipment
Total improvements through BioGiene for the contract period
are valued up to $3.9M pa
Learn more about how the BioGiene equipment improvements can save you money and improve your operations!