Case Study –
Smallgoods Factory
Evidenced Reporting for your Return on Investment
Using our advanced Biogiene Dashboard, your dedicated account manager will be able to quickly isolate and identify any opportunities for improvement.
Our managers coupled with our specialised cleaners and bulk purchasing make a powerful solution for any food processing plant or factory.
Here are some recent case studies showing real world results. With advancing technology there has never been a better time to start a conversation around improving your outsourced cleaning solutions.

Smallgoods Client
Saving $3.9 M
per annum

Smallgoods Client
Saving $660 K
per annum

Red Meat
Saving $280 K
per annum
Smallgoods Client – Brisbane Area, Qld.

The Opportunity
Equipment, worker efficiency and chemical useage

The Solutions
Install fit-for-purpose equipment reducing water and chemical usage. Improvements to all staff operations.

Significant annual savings
Recently, BioGiene were invited to visit and audit a site located near Brisbane. The purpose of the audit was to review the cleaning programs, explore environmental improvement opportunities, and to understand associated costs and/or potential benefits of acting on those opportunities.
At the conclusion of our process, BioGiene identified major opportunities for our client.
While the core focus of the site audit was environmental improvement, our audit also identified key opportunities for improvement across other areas. The main opportunity being improvement through implementation of OPCS (Open Plant Cleaning System) equipment.
Initially, the average daily volume (and the cost) of water being consumed through a single cleaning shift in our client’s site was 870kl per day/ cleaning shift @ $4.72 per KL. Total cost of $4106.40 per day, and $1,067,664.00 per year to our client.
The original cleaning situation was dependent on outdated mains pressure driven tooling, delivering approximately 90 L/minute of water, per operator (at hose point), for the duration of the cleaning shift.
Open Plant Cleaning System (OPCS)
Open Plant Cleaning Systems (OPCS), have been specifically designed for the food industry.
These systems deliver significant improvements through optimisation of primary resources and inputs, to achieve the optimum outputs. The systems, when installed and operated correctly, would add considerable benefit to the end user. Areas such as:
- Major reduction in water usage – installing modern tooling improved efficiencies, significantly reduced water consumption.
- Improved cleaning outcomes – using the latest technology meant the equipment is designed for purpose, delivering a better outcome.
- Reduced use of chemicals – latest application technology improved effectiveness and efficiency
- A safer cleaning environment – improved ergonomics reduced operator fatigue, WHS issues and associated costs
- More Productive Cleaning Staff – Industry-leading standards in tools and training through BioGiene, increased staff productivity
Through a partnership with BioGiene, could achieve improvements to environmental and bottom line targets.
- Potential water reduction of 540KL per day (135 MegaLitres PA).
- Bottom line improvement on water cost is estimated at $662,688.00 per annum in savings.
- Estimated ROI of less than 18 months.
Learn more about how the BioGiene equipment improvements can save you money and improve your operations!